Recent Follow-up till 19/08/2014
最近一段给Hang和Helen做了一套DVD和蓝光版的婚礼,用的是Final Cut Pro X出的片,外加转移到Windows上进行刻录。新到的光盘打印机也首次派上用场,打印效果基本还不错。
最坑人的是Nero 12刻录软件,DVD光盘刻录完全正常,蓝光光盘连飞两张,真是代价惨重,最后换成DVDFab这类二流兼刻录的软件,之后的三张100%成功率,我的Nero 12可是正版从Nero官方购买的软件啊……。
7号(上映首日)去电影院看了场,Guardians of The Galaxy,和朋友讨论都觉得预告片很烂,但电影总体还不错。最喜欢那个树人,讲义气,乐于助人,敢于奉献,有正义感。
接下来比较期待的电影主要有两个,一个是The Maze Runner,还有一个是Boyhood。都是9月上映貌似……。终于发现自己喜欢看的电影风格了,一种属于纪实类(纪录片,或者根据现实改变的片子,例如12 Years a Slave),还有一种是带一些科幻色彩的影片(霍比特人,哈利波特,还有上面提到的这个片子)。不喜欢喜剧那种或者肥皂泡题材的电影。
Worst Online Shopping Experience Ever! Harvey Norman you made it!
By dch1 in Just Notes No Comments Tags: Harvey Norman
The Harvey Norman LiveChat reply formula (Confidential) = unfortunately + real human + Copy/Paste
From my own experiences, if a iTunes gift card is sold out or out of stock, the store could still make printed out version of voucher. HN, please do not tell me you are running out of the paper!
If you insisted this deal is out of stock, why would you bother with saying you can make backorder of this offer? It’s misleading and cheating for your customers.
Overall, Harvey Norman got poorly designed website (not the worst for this one indeed), unreasonably trained / helpful LiveChat staff, plus misleading instructions for customers.
PS: After the deal was ended, it seems that HN is accepting the order again. HN, what’s your point for Sold Out? humours?