Good news
I was told that I have just passed the PVA (Pre-visa) in Australia. I can continue with the progress of going abroad.
Our tutor told me that I got 97% in Maths exam. I was excited about that even if one of my classmates got 100% in this test. It is not bad, isn’t it?
And there are many Spiders of search engines climbing in my Web-site, espically in this blog. My bandwidth of the CP has been increased a lot.
Passed the Australian Visa
By dch1 in Just Notes No Comments Tags: englishtown, visa
I was told that I passed the Australian Visa. I wasn’t shocked cause most of the classmates can easily get the student visa. But it is really a good news, isn’t it?
I haven’t write the blog for almost two weeks. I was lazy these days. And I was trying to catch up with the trends—I installed a Vista Ultimate Version on my new laptop. And I maked the dual channel for the New device, I install 4GB ( 2GB * 2 ) in the computer.
Because of the Vmware Workstation, I need more RAM on my computer. I would to take experiments on Linux. I am sure it is full of fun.
Okay, I grabbed some good vocabulary and expressions from Englishtown.
Can you translate the meaning of the sentence: “Can you spot the odd one out?”
Yes, that means you may be given more than three words, and choose the only one word which is different from other words. Let’s look a example: Chicken Duck Tiger
And one of the sentence to answer the question: “Tiger is the odd one out.”
In the chat room, I heard one of the student said: “I played football in my university years“