I was busy these days . Because I go to Golbal IELTS School everyday . And there are some unpleasant happend . I found a reading course but it was not suitable for me . So I asked the school administrator to change into another reading class . The administrator didn’t agree . So I complained my suffering by phone . At last , they admitted me to change it .
There are many people complaining that they are not satisfied with the Golbal IELTS School . For example , 12 .
I had a new-year-concert DVD . I bought it on Taobao .
It is not expensive (only in 20 Yuan) . I would like to write something down about it in the spring festival .
The spring festival is comming . Best wishes for everyone , not only the people who gives me help . And I have some small gift to you .
Please download as quickly as possible . It will not available soon . Because I put them on old space which is going to expire soon .
1. The wallpapers of the new operating system –Windows Vista . Download
2. The icons of the new operating system –Windows Vista (I grabbed it from imageres.dll ) . Download
I have posted some second-hand on the flea.zol.com.cn for several days . I have selt two of them till now . One is Usb-disk which is broken , the other is a laptop memory . I got 150 RMB back from the bargain . I was so excited because I sold out some useless things .
I re-installed Windows system these days . I installed Vista on notebook . I do love the theme of the new operating system . Here are some pictures I took .
The quality of the picture is not good . But the picture cannot be too large .
By dch1 in Just Notes No Comments
I was busy these days . Because I go to Golbal IELTS School everyday . And there are some unpleasant happend . I found a reading course but it was not suitable for me . So I asked the school administrator to change into another reading class . The administrator didn’t agree . So I complained my suffering by phone . At last , they admitted me to change it .
There are many people complaining that they are not satisfied with the Golbal IELTS School . For example , 1 2 .
I had a new-year-concert DVD . I bought it on Taobao .
It is not expensive (only in 20 Yuan) . I would like to write something down about it in the spring festival .
The spring festival is comming . Best wishes for everyone , not only the people who gives me help . And I have some small gift to you .
Please download as quickly as possible . It will not available soon . Because I put them on old space which is going to expire soon .
1. The wallpapers of the new operating system –Windows Vista . Download
2. The icons of the new operating system –Windows Vista (I grabbed it from imageres.dll ) . Download