My First IELTS Test On 7th,July
By dch1 in Just Notes No Comments
It is the first time I have my first IELTS test today.
(it is very colorful,isn’t it?)
We stayed at the Yifu Building in the afternoon to ask some oral test information.
I searched on the Internet and find some feeling about the test:
S1,租房的,不知道是否基金有,里面有多少钱,其实是80,但有干扰项,说自己住的大的是110,给他的是80,车可以停在GARAGE,有干扰项,说不能停在路边,电话在KITCHEN,后面有讲到自己最好带个TOASTER,也有讲到HEATER,搬近来的时间是1st June, 喜欢在FRIDAY EVENING 看体育一起,大家一起分享 PETROL,在SUPERMARKET打工
Section2:讲standford的open day的一个介绍
时间从8:55a.m.开始, 提供一个什么什么样的午饭,没听见,听见一个hot meal 之类的,就给写上了。考试安排在month, 鼓励学生参加sport, 教学生做poster,每次课间休息15minutes,其他还有几个填空忘了,后面紧接着是个图,填出几个房间的位置。记得好像有个gym,其他的忘了。
)是机经里面的,关于选课的,3我记得有Picture framing、dark room、craft什么的大家应该很熟悉吧,4是关于动物研究的,后面的表第一个答案是Frogs,大家搜一下机经就知道啦!!
section3 讲一个人打电话到学校打听相关课程,先关心还有没有,女的说这种课很受欢迎,位置不多了,然后说了你需要关于大概是一个航空的专业的课,男的说不好,他比较喜欢休闲类的,翻过来填了一个信息表,只需要你填街道,会拼给你听的,witerton大概是,还有阶段是beginning,付款方式cash。section4 采访一个专业人士,讲的环保话题,他们搞了一个研究,主要是关于有些物种慢慢减少的,先是6-7个选择题,最后4个填表题,填表题讲了三种动物,第一种frogs,后面两种鸟,第二种具有某些特点所以比较便于统计数量
Reading Part:
Passage1:V56 S1
section 2 讲一个被毁灭的城市.. DAG(名字挺怪),科学家用先进手段研究他,开始先是拍照,过了N年又有人从热气球上拍照,后来包括地磁效应之类的研究,题目先是一个matching然后是从第三段开始的summary,最后一个选择题。
section 3 讲国际贸易中需要对该国的文化语言有一定了解的问题, 先是一个lists of heading 五个小题,然后是match 6个题7个选项,分别是这六个人的态度,最后是selection 2个题,会提示你在几段。
Writting Part:
小作文是bar chart,描述的是2004年New Zealand的游客对交通工具的不同选择比例,有car,Air,coach&Ferry四种,竖轴是百分比,横轴按游客国籍分为四组,每组按上述交通工具各含有四个bar。
大作文是关于教育的,大概意思是讲学校目的在于提供一种general education包括大范围的subjects,而children则关注于小范围的subjects related to their particular career.问哪种更好?(大概记得是这个意思)
Oral Test On 9th,July
By dch1 in Just Notes No Comments
I went to Teaching Building of Beijing Education Examinations Instructive Centre for my IELTS oral test.I think I did well in the test.
Part one : Hometown(What is the oldest building in your city;What do you like about your hometown,etc.),Books(What are the factors that people dislike reading?),Internet(What is use of the Internet;What is your mind about the computer technology on young people?)
Part two-Cue card:Talk about the swimming pool in your hometown.You should describe the points are mentioned below:
1.What is the swimming pool’s name?
2.What is it looks like?
3.Who often go to the swimming pool?
Part three:
1.What type of the people who go to the swimming pool?
2.What are the factors for the people who choose the sport facilities?
3.What the good effects for the people swimming?