Busy Time
By dch1 in Just Notes No Comments Tags: busy, cri
I was extremely busy these days. So that is why I did not write the blog in passed one month. But I am back now :-). I just finish my assignments for the Saturday.
There are many works in school , espicially for my classmates. Because there are much operating-system to setup.(I hate viruses) But I got some progress in installing system.
The major task for me is the study. We had just set up the physics course at the beginning of this week. It is based on the maths. I have known that maths is my shortcomming. I got a bad mark in the college entrance exam. So I would (MUST) pay more attention to the maths.
C programming is OK. I think it is not difficult. Maybe I am interested in this lesson or I am a representative for this course.
It was fog yesterday. It is claim that Beijing is already in pollution.
I am listening CRI now. They are talking the satellite which china had already lauched 4 days ago.
It is time for summarizing the wonderful expression from China Radio International:
1.Opening up policy(改革开放政策)
2.put the person first(热门词汇:民生问题)
3.anti-corruption(反贪污-十 七 大重要词汇)
4.It can be fun.(一点都不难)
Here are some good expression grabbed from in the movie:
4.It’s time to put them to the test.(这是考验他们的时候了)
5.But the good time not last.(好景不长)
Last but not least:Ultra-sound;Ultra-sonography (超声波-摘自两所医院)
I got Dopod 838 these days. It is fanstastic even if there are something wrong with the software set up in the phone. I want to flash the system.
I have just heard a new version of the wordpress is available(2.3.1).
I will upgrade in these days.
The First Auction in Foreign Exchange
By dch1 in Just Notes No Comments Tags: first, Foreign Exchange
I joined the Foreign Exchange simulator plan in the Bank of Communications two days ago. Today I had my first auction in the software. But it was not successful.
I did not know what is the meaning about the BID and OFFER. So I found a script on the Internet.
对于买入价与卖出价实际应用中的说明:银行所标示的买入价均是对基础货币而言的买入价格,银行所标示的卖出价均是对基础货币而言的卖出价格。例如:工商银行的美元兑日元买入、卖出价分别为109.30/109.60;即表明工商银行从客户处买入美元卖出日元使用的牌价为109.30,则客户卖出美元买入日元就要使用109.30的牌价,反之亦然。 中国创造网